Meet the Founder of MakeMoneyCoaching

Hey Coach, I'm happy you made it to our website!

My name is Benjamin Nabers, but I go as "Coach Ben" in the training world. 

In 2009, I started my first local soccer training business called Nabers Soccer Academy.

Unfortunately (like most coaches) when I first started out, I didn't have a clue about how to start or run a business...

I was also extremely shy, lacked confidence and didn't know how to market myself...

Honestly, it was extremely frustrating. 

I never went to "business school" and felt like I was at a disadvantage from the very beginning.

Although I had some hurdles in my way...

I was certain about two things in at that point in my life.

1) I was passionate about helping kids get better at soccer. I loved coaching and wanted to make a lasting impact on their lives on and off the field.

2) I never wanted to have a boss. I tried working a 9-5 job, and it gave me anxiety and I never felt a sense of fulfillment. I had a true calling to coach kids on an individual level.

So here I was, a guy with a dream and a whole lotta passion to help kids...but zero business sense. 

I quickly realized:

I could be a great trainer and WANT to help kids...but if I didn't understand how to market myself and run a business...I'd be outta business very quickly. 

This is why most coaches fail initially when they attempt to start a sports business. 

They have the passion and desire to help - but they lack the business skills to build a company that serves athletes in a year-round basis. 

Okay, moving a few months into me starting out ...

I had ZERO clients!

How the heck was I going to get traction in my city?

Well, I needed to force myself outside of my comfort zone... 

I spoke to every single High School, Middle School, YMCA, and club soccer organization in my city of San Antonio, Texas. 

I did everything I could to put myself in front of athletes who I wanted to help (for free). I volunteered my time and met lot's of coaches, parents and players in my city.

Once I had a good base of contacts...

I started to ask parents and players to come join my program (FREE) for a month. 

Again, I wasn't getting paid - my goal was to build strong relationships with people and prove results before they paid anything. 

When I finally mustered up the courage...I started to charge $15 for 60 minute private 1-on-1 training sessions. 

Within a couple weeks (because I had a large base of people I've built relationships with) I had around 15 clients who were paying me cash or check at my sessions. 

On average, my clients were coming 2x per I was at the field for over 30 hours per week. 

That's not counting the time preparing for the sessions, driving etc..

Initially, I was SO happy that everything was working out...

...And then a month later I realized a fundamental problem.

I would achieving great results with my players, but I'd be dead tired at the end of every week.

Of course I was happy to be training players and making money at the same time...

...But my business model was not SCALABLE..

...and my business model wouldn't allow me to spend time outside of my business to actually enjoy life.


Lot's of parent's wouldn't show up to pay at our sessions or they would "pay me next week"...

I was a young guy and definitely got run over by parents...they knew I would be too nice even if they didn't have money to pay for our sessions. 

So pretty quickly, I went from being on the TOP of the world to having clients...

...To becoming very frustrated with how the business was running. 

Instead of quitting or getting down, I slowly started to make changes that would forever impact my business. 

Instead of charging clients "by the session" like 99% of sports trainers - I moved to a monthly subscription. 

Not only did I make that change, but I made the radical decision to only train the ideal clients. 

I dug down deep to understand:

"WHO" are my ideal clients?

Once I narrowed my audience:

My marketing improved, my bank account improved, and most business became stress free...and actually FUN. 

That's the whole point of running your own business, right?

So here's what happened...over the next couple years - I started to dial in my marketing even more...and improve my business systems. 

In 2009, we had zero active paying clients and I was doing sessions at people's houses, random parks and fields all across the city.

Since 2009, our coaching business has served over 6,500 players through private training, group training and camps. 

The reason WHY we've been able to reach more players is because HOW the business is setup. 

I've spent years in the trenches with my own business.

I've already been through all the up's and down's any trainer you've ever met.

I've faced every problem head on...

So in 2014, soccer trainers all over the country started to reach out to me to learn how they could copy and duplicate my "system" into their city. 

I gladly shared my ideas with coaches, because I didn't want to see other coaches go through the same struggles I had at the beginning...

and eventually later that year I started the #1 business development resource for private sports trainers called

You can check out my Youtube channel, I have over 1,400 videos that I've published.

It's the #1 resource for private sports trainers across the globe.

Since starting my consulting company - we've helped 500+ coaches worldwide who have made 6-7 figures with private training, camps and clinics. 

...and we've also mentored some of the leading sports training businesses in the United States, Canada and multiple countries who are generating between 300k-750k/year. 

...and honestly, it's the #1 thing I'm proud of at this point of my career. It brings me great joy helping other business owners succeed.

I've helped coaches in the following industries:

Soccer, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Volleyball, Track and Field, Pickleball, Wrestling, Softball, Swimming, Golf, Tennis, Sports Performance, and Pickleball.

Here's the great news for you... 

Our system of starting, growing and scaling a business applies to every sport you can possibly think of. 

This is NOT some cookie cutter system where you just watch a couple videos online with some cute P.D.F downloads...and then your off to do everything yourself.

I don't roll that way. 

I go ALL-IN with coaches who I help, and my job is to make sure you are successful, period. It's WHY our company is successful, because we teach what works & attract serious coaches who are ready to level-up!

We do this through our Sports Accelerator coaching program. (Learn more here

This is done through a step by step course, community and hands on coaching/mentorship program that is specific ONLY for private sports coaches.

My goal is to bring clarity to your business in every you can become the authority in your city while building the business around your lifestyle.

I'm here because I want to help coaches become the most sought after experts in their cities. 

I'm NOT here to help coaches "make a quick buck". I have zero ambition to help those with that mindset. 

I'm here to help You build a REAL, LASTING business that is based around helping athletes in your industry...

So with that being said...

You are here with me right now at (the #1 resource for coaches who want to have a successful sports training business)

If you've made it this far...there's one action step I'd like you to take. 

I want to get to know who you are and what you need help with. 

Clearly, you're here for a reason - and I want to extend my help to you right now. 

You can book a FREE 1-1 consult here so we can meet each-other:

Coach, I really appreciate you taking the time to read this...

If you know you're serious about starting your sports business...I highly recommend that you click here

Chat soon,

Coach Ben


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